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2010, letnik XVI, številka 1
Contributions to Anthropology of Tourism
Urednika: Tom Selwyn and Irena Weber



Tom Selwyn and Irena Weber
Introduction: Eastbound
Anthropological Notebooks 16(1), 5−8 (2010) [polno besedilo ]

Bojan Baskar
Southbound, to the Austrian Riviera: The Habsburg Patronage of Tourism in the Eastern Adriatic
Anthropological Notebooks 16(1), 9−22 (2010) [polno besedilo ]

Chiara Cipollari
Can Tourists Purchase ‘the Past’? The Past as a Commodity in Tourist Sites
Anthropological Notebooks 16(1), 23−35 (2010) [polno besedilo ]

Emilio Cocco
Performing Maritime Imperial Legacies: Tourism and Cosmopolitanism in Odessa and Trieste
Anthropological Notebooks 16(1), 37−57 (2010) [polno besedilo ]

Hana Horáková
Post-Communist Transformation of Tourism in Czech Rural Areas: New Dilemmas
Anthropological Notebooks 16(1), 59−77 (2010) [polno besedilo ]

Tom Selwyn
TEMPUS in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Palestine: The Case of two European Commission
Projects in Tourism and ‘Cultural Heritage’

Anthropological Notebooks 16(1), 79−89 (2010) [polno besedilo ]


• Wagner E., Sarah: To Know Where He Lies: DNA Technology and the Search for Srebrenica’s Missing
• Burawoy, Michael: The Extended Case Method: Four Countries, Four Decades, Four Great Transformations
• Linke, Uli and Danielle Taana Smith: Cultures of Fear: A Critical Reader
• Csordas, Thomas J.: Transnational Transcendence: Essays on Religion and Globalization
• Giuliana B. Prato: Beyond Multiculturalism: Views from Anthropology
• Fassin, Didier and Richard Rechtman: The Empire of Trauma: An Inquiry into the Condition of Victimhood
• Birembaum-Carmeli, Daphna and Marcia C. Inhorn: Assisting Reproduction, Testing Genes: Global Encounters with New Biotechnologies, Fertility, Reproduction and Sexuality
• Knudsen, Ståle: Fishers and Scientists in Modern Turkey: The Management of Natural Resources
• Vah Jevšnik, Mojca: Building Peace for a Living: Expatriate Development Workers in Kosovo
• Shove, Elizabeth, Frank Trentmann and Richard Wilk: Time, Consumption and Everyday Life. Practice, Materiality and Culture

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